Carbon nanotubes are large molecules of carbon that are long and thin and moulded like tubes, around 1-3 nanometres (1 nm = 1 billionth of a meter) in diameter, and hundreds to thousands of nanometers long. As individual particles, nanotubes are 100 times more grounded than-steel and one-sixth its weight. There are various carbon nanotubes properties and applications which take the full favourable position of CNTs interesting properties of aspect ratio, mechanical quality, electrical and thermal conductivity. There has been substantial practical interest in the conductivity of CNTs . CNTs with particular arrangements of M and N (structural parameters indicating how much the nanotube is twisted) can be highly conducting, and hence can be considered as metallic. Their conductivity has been proved to be a function of their diameter as well as their chirality (degree of twist). CNTs can be either semiconducting or metallic in their electrical behaviour. Use of silicon coated carbon ...